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- nar.00155
J. Hubley Ashton to William A. Dart, 24 October 1866

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October 24, 1866.
W. A. Dart, Esq.
U. S. Attorney, Potsdam, N. Y.
The Sec. of War desires this office to instruct you to investigate the title to a certain tract of land authorized to be purchased for the use of Watervleit Arsenal. This should more properly come to you as a request from the Sec. of War, by whom the compensation for the special service required will be payable. If you have not time to examine & give an opinion on the title, it is presumed that the Sec. will not object to your employing some competent attorney to search the title, under your direction. The rules of this office on the subject are herewith transmitted. All the papers & abstracts should be forwarded by you to the Sec. of War.
Respectfully &c
J. Hubley Ashton, ACAG