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- nar.00190
Matthew F. Pleasants to J. R. McBride, 23 January 1867
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January 23d, 1867
Hon. J. R. McBride
Ch. Justice, Sup. Court, Idaho Ter.
I am directed by the Attorney Gen'l. to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th ult. & to
say in reply that the Statute which established this office, makes it his duty to answer questions of law
only when propounded by the President or the head of some Executive Department. To do otherwise would be, in
the Attorney Gen's opinion, a violation of his duty, besides committing him beforehand upon points which
might afterward arise in the regular course of administration. He begs therefore that you will excuse him for
not giving an opinion on the question to which you refer.
Respectfully, M. F. Pleasants, Ch. Clerk