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- nar.00207
Henry Stanbery to William H. Seward, 12 February 1867

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February 12, 1867.
The Hon'le the Secretary of State.
I have the honor herewith to transmit my opinion as to the proper course to be taken in reference to the Steamship R. R. Cuyler. The letter of Mr. Tapara, which you have brought to my notice since that opinion was prepared, does not seem to me to authorize any modification of the course which I have advised as proper to be taken by the United States in the matter.
It is not necessary that we should decide between the conflicting statements of the Ministers of Spain and Columbia. Our duty is to enforce our Neutrality Laws in good faith towards both Governments, & when we have done that, we have done all that could be asked by either I return herewith all the papers sent to me from your Department.
I have the honor to be,
with great respect,
Henry Stanbery,
Attorney General.