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- nar.00237
John M. Binckley to Daniel R. Goodloe, 3 August 1867
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August 3, 1867.
Daniel R. Goodloe, Esq.
U. S. Marshal,
Raleigh, N. C.
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Report to the Attorney General, under date of the 31st ult., covering copies of an order of the Military Commandant at Wilmington, of your letter of instructions to Deputy Marshal Nett, & of your letter of inquiry addressed to Major-General Sickles, all in relation to the obstruction of process of the Circuit Court of the U. S. by the military.
Your action in the premises is commended & approved. Further action in this office will not be taken without information of that of General Sickles.
Respectfully, &c. yours,
J. M. Binckley,
Acting Attorney General.