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- nar.00323
John M. Binckley to S. A. Strickland, 29 November 1867

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November 29, 1867.
S. A. Strickland, Esq.
United States Attorney, District of Nebraska,
Omaha, Nebraska
By your letter of the 22d ult. the Attorney General is informed that you have secured the commitment for murder of Hank Kuler, John Joist, and R. A. Drummond, after encountering before the Commissioner an earnest opposition from eminent counsel for the accused, in consequence of questions of law arising out of the localities of the alleged crimes, and the zeal of
the defence. The same considerations indicate to you the prospective strength of the defence in the coming trials,— to which you add the fact that you have, at the ensuing term, at least one hundred other cases— and upon the whole, you ask authority to retain some attorney of acknowledged ability to assist you in the three cases mentioned.
I have to inform you, in reply, that the Attorney General hereby authorizes you to employ counsel as indicated, upon a stipulated compensation, to be approved by this office.
your obedient servant,
John M. Binckley,
Assistant Attorney Gen'l.