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- nar.00338
John M. Binckley to Hugh McCulloch, 6 December 1867
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December 6, 1867.
Hon. Hugh McCulloch,
Secretary of the Treasury
By a proviso to Act of March 2, 1867, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, etc." (Sess. Acts 39th Congress, 2d Sess. p. 497,) the Attorney General is instructed to inquire into the condition, etc. of all funds held in trust by the United States for the Chickasaw and all other tribes of Indians, and report thereon to Congress.
For the information of the Attorney General, and with the view of facilitating an investigation touching this matter, I have the honor to request that this office be advised, at as early a period as is compatible with your convenience, 1st; whether any, and what, Trust Funds, or stocks, held in trust as aforesaid, are now in the custody of the Treasury Department;‚ and, 2d; what non-paying stocks, if any, are so held, and the value thereof.
I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully,
John M. Binckley,
Assistant Attorney Gen'l.