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- nar.00423
John M. Binckley to R. W. Taylor, 31 January 1868

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January 31, 1868.
R. W. Taylor, Esq.
1st Comptroller of the Treasury.
On the 7th of November last, the Attorney General approved the account, duly certified, and amounting to Three hundred and seventy-five dollars, ($375:) of M. L. Perkins, for services as assistant to the United States Attorney for the Western Dist. of Tennessee, for the quarter ending the 2d November, 1867.
On the 7th instant, the Attorney General approved, by an oversight, another account of the same person, of the same amount, and for similar services, for the quarter ending December 31, 1867.— Both these accounts have been paid, an error thus occurring, of the amount of Mr. Perkins's salary for more than a month.
Mr. Perkins has ceased to act as assistant United States Attorney, and you are informed of these facts, that proper steps may be taken to correct the error, and collect the amount erroneously paid him.
Very Respectfully yours,
John M. Binckley,
Assistant Attorney Gen'l.