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- nar.00460
Matthew F. Pleasants to Little, Brown, & Co., 11 March 1868
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March 11, 1868.
Messrs. Little, Brown, & Co.
Boston, Mass.
The enclosed bill was received this morning through the State Department. The account would have been settled before, but that, from the fact that the bills previously rendered were not receipted, it was supposed you did not desire its settlement.
The regulations of the Treasury Department through which all bills of this Office are paid, require duplicate receipted bills. As soon as these are furnished, I will return you a check for the amount. I return by mail Vol. 35 of Illinois Reports, which was received in duplicate, and I have to notify you that 53 Maine, 39 Vermont, and 33 Connecticut were never received.
Very respectfully yours,
M. F. Pleasants,
Chief Clerk.
[Bill enc.]