Title: Matthew F. Pleasants to Hugh McCulloch, 20 March 1868
Date: March 20, 1868
Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman
Whitman Archive ID: nar.00516
Source: National Archives and Records Administration. Transcribed from digital images or a microfilm reproduction of the original item. For a description of the editorial rationale behind our treatment of the manuscripts, see our statement of editorial policy.
Contributors to digital file: Elizabeth LorangJohn SchwaningerNima Najafi KianfarKevin McMullen
Cite this page: Pleasants, Matthew F. and Walt Whitman. "Matthew F. Pleasants to Hugh McCulloch, 20 March 1868." The Walt Whitman Archive. Gen. ed. Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, & Kenneth M. Price. Accessed 14 February 2025. <http://www.whitmanarchive.org>.
March 20, 1868.[Usual request on Secretary of Treasury for warrant for amount of salaries for March, 1868, as follows:Attorney General, 12 days—$252:20Assistant " 287:43Clerks 1292:37.]