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- nar.00571
Orville Hickman Browning to M. Ceruti, 20 June 1868

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June 20, 1868.
His Excellency M. Ceruti,
Italian Minister.
I have the honor to inform you that the President, moved, in part, by your request, contained in a letter addressed to the late Attorney General, under date of the 30th December, 1867, has been pleased to pardon Francisco Buhagier, alias Giovanni di Matti, a subject of the King of Italy, upon condition that, within thirty days, he depart from this country never to return to any place within the jurisdiction of the United States.
I have to add for your
information that the warrant of pardon when duly executed, will issue from the Department of State. The customary mode of the delivery of pardon papers is through the hands of the United States Marshal of the District in which the party is confined.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
OH Browning ,
Attorney General adinterim