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- nar.00632
William M. Evarts to Luther C. White, 19 August 1868
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August 19, 1868.
Luther C. White, Esq.
U. S. Marshal,
Van Buren, Arkansas.
I have received the following order from the President of the United States, dated August 18, 1868:
"Evidence satisfactory to me of misconduct in office of Luther C. White, U. S. Marshal for the Western District of Arkansas, having been presented to me:
"I hereby suspend the said Luther C. White and designate Joseph S. C. Rowland as a suitable person to perform temporarily the duties of said office, until the next
meeting of the Senate, and until the case shall be acted upon by the Senate."
signed"Andrew Johnson,
In accordance therewith, you are hereby instructed to turn over to the said Joseph S. C. Rowland, upon the approval of his official bond by the United States District Judge for your District, all the books, papers, and property of the United States in your official custody as Marshal.
Very respectfully, your obd't serv't,
Wm. M. Evarts,
Attorney General.