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- nar.00635
Matthew F. Pleasants to R. T. Miller, 22 August 1868

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August 22, 1868.
Hon. R. T. Miller,
Silver City, Idaho Terr.
The Hon E. D. Holbrook has referred to the Attorney General your letter to him of the 31st ultimo, asking information of the vacancy which you were appointed to fill. I am directed to say, in reply, that you were nominated to, and confirmed by, the Senate, "to be associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Idaho, in the place of John Cummins, removed."
Mr. Cummins has written to this office under date of the 6th instant, that "the Hon. R. T. Miller, who has been appointed as my successor, has not yet qualified, and I have been informed that he will not." You will perceive, sir, that you have only to take the oaths required by law, to obtain possession of your office.
Very respectfully yours,
M. F. Pleasants, Chief Clerk.