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- nar.00656
J. Hubley Ashton to John McAllister Schofield, 7 September 1868
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September 7, 1868.
Hon. J. M. Schofield,
Secretary of War.
Referring to my letter of the 3rd instant, enclosing a telegram from the United States Marshal for the District of Kentucky, relative to interference, by lawless citizens of that State, with the exception of legal process, I have the honor now to enclose copy of a letter addressed to the Attorney General by him, with an affidavit of the deputy Marshals who were obstructed on the occasion mentioned, which give full particulars of the occurrences mentioned in my previous communication.
I do not think it necessary to make any other suggestions than those contained in that communication.
Very respectfully, &c. &c.
J. Hubley Ashton,
Acting Attorney General.