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- nar.00699
William M. Evarts to John McAllister Schofield, 24 November 1868

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November 24, 1868.
Hon. J. M. Schofield,
Secretary of War
I enclose herewith copy of a letter received from William Schouler, Esq. late Adj. Gen'l. of Mass. requesting me to advance on the docket of the Supreme Court the case of Hosmer v. the United States which seems to involve a question of interest to your Department. I will thank you to advise me whether you desire, or will consent to, the advancement of this case upon the calendar, so that it may be argued or disposed of at the coming term of the Supreme Court. Unless it should be advanced
it is not probable that the case will be reached for several years. I know personally nothing of this case except what appears in the letter, which I have the honor to enclose.
Your obd't serv't
Wm. M. Evarts,
Attorney General