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- nar.00712
William M. Evarts to Thomas J. Boynton, 25 November 1868

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November 25, 1868.
Hon. Thomas J. Boynton,
United States District Judge,
Key West, Florida.
I beg leave respectfully to call attention to a letter which I have addressed to Winer Bethel, Esq. who seems to have been employed, or accepted, as a representative of the United States, in a special proceeding which this letter refers to.
As the office of District Attorney is now vacant, by the resignation of Mr. Plantz, and I have no information of the appointment of any person to act as District Attorney during this vacancy, I have no person to address to accomplish the objects of my letter to Mr. Bethel, except himself. In order however to be sure that no steps or proceedings further are taken in this
matter, without due consideration, and instructions from this office, I have the honor to lay the matter before you, and to request that no change of the condition of the suit shall take place, either in respect to defaulting any parties or interest, or entering any order whatever, until it can be done in conformity with directions from this office.
Public considerations of much importance make it necessary that I should hold this proceeding at present as it now stands, until I can determine what the true interests of the Government require to be done.
Very Respectfully, yours,
Wm. M. Evarts,
Attorney General.