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- nar.00714
William M. Evarts to Caleb Cushing, 26 November 1868

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November 26, 1868.
Hon. Caleb Cushing,
Washington, D. C.
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 12th of November instant, on the subject of the action brought by Kimberly Bro's. against Gen. Butler in the Superior Court of the city of Baltimore.
Upon the statement furnished me under the signature of your client, Gen. Butler, it is apparent that the case, as there stated, falls within the purpose and provisions of the act of Congress, under which a party is entitled to notify the Attorney General of the United Sates to appear and defend the same, giving certain legal consequences in protection of the defendant, in the adverse result of the suit, after such notification.
In acknowledging, as I do, that this notification, intended by the statute, has been duly given to me, on behalf of Gen. Butler, the defendant, I need only add, that whenever Gen. Butler, or his counsel, shall think any actual intervention on the part of the Attorney Gen'l desirable in the progress of the cause, I shall be happy to receive a communication from you to that effect, and will then further confer with you on the subject.
I have the honor to be, yours, &c.
Wm. M. Evarts,
Attorney General.