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- nar.00767
Matthew F. Pleasants to Sale & Dowd, 6 February 1869

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February 6, 1869.
Messrs. Sale & Dowd,
Attorneys and Counsellors,
Aberdeen, Miss.
I am directed by the Attorney General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th ult. addressed to Hon. J. M. Binckley late Ass't Attorney General, and by him referred to this office; and to say in reply that he has approved your account, (with the suspension of the fee charged in the case of the United States vs. Pinson & al. sureties,) amounting to $2575: and forwarded it to the Interior Dep't. for payment from the appropriate funds.
There is always some delay in the settlement of such accounts, but the draft will no doubt be sent to you in the course of a few days. It is proper for me to add that the delay in the approval of your account arose partly from the failure of Mr. Stewart (caused, we understand, by ill health,) to forward proper reports in the Post Office cases.
Very respectfully &c. &c
M. F. Pleasants,
Chief Clerk.