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Feb. 17, 1869.
Hon. J. M. Schofield,
Secretary of War.
I return herewith the communication addressed to the Hon. B. F. Butler, dated Feb. 16, inst. from your Dept., which you handed to me yesterday.
I presume the subject-matter of this communication is the same as that involved in the case of the U. S. appellants ag't. Geo. U. Johnson, in the Sup. Court of the U. S., on appeal from the Court of Claims, which has been dismissed with your consent, pursuant to the advice contained in my letter to you of the 22d of Sept. last. By the judgment of the Court of Claims in that case, & the dismissal of the appeal, the claimant has obtained a right to the payment of the rent which was allowed him for the premises of which he claimed to be the owner. You will find a Report of the case of Johnson ag't The U. S. in the 2 Court of Claims Reports p. 391, which gives a full account of the facts of the case, and the precise period of time for which rent was allowed by the Court.
That the precise reference of this communication of Gen. Butler to your Dept. may have to the case already decided, I do not know; but you will perhaps be able to ascertain the object of his communication by a consideration of the facts of the case, which has been disposed
of in the manner stated.
I have the honor to be, &c. &c. &c.
Wm. M. Evarts,
Attorney General.
Com. from B. F. Butler to War Dep't.