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- nar.00816
Matthew F. Pleasants to Develin, Miller, & Trull, 27 February 1869

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Feb. 27, 1869,
Messrs. Develin, Miller & Trull,
82 Nassau St. New York,
I am directed by the Attorney General to acknowledge the receipt of copy of "Pleadings and Notice to U. S. Attorney General" in the following cases:
Alfred Kearney ag't Benjamin F. Butler
John H. Lester ag't . . . The same; action No. 1.
The same ag't The same, action No 2
Henry A. Tilden ag't . . . . The same.
Henry N. Lubrecht ag't . . . The same.
I am further directed to say that no action can be had in this office in these cases until the appointment of a successor to Mr. Evarts.
Very resp. yours,
M. F. Pleasants,
Ch. Clerk.