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Feb. 27, 1869.
Hon. O. H. Browning,
Sec. of the Interior.
I am in receipt of your letter of the 22d inst. relative to the case of the seizure of the train & goods of F. A. DeWolf & Co. for an alleged violation of the Act of June 30, 1834. I respectfully request that you will say whether you desire me to agree with the claimants, that the judgment below be reversed by the Supreme Court. I am not at leisure to examine the merits of the case, and must therefore act conformably to your suggestion & recommendation. If you approve a reversal of the judgment, it will be my pleasure to carry that desire into effect.
I return the papers for your further use, by the hands of the counsel for the claimants.
Very Resp. yours,
Wm. M. Evarts
Attorney Genl.
seizure of goods of F. A. DeWolf & Co.