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- nar.00820
William M. Evarts to Prout & Dunton, 1 March 1869
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March 1, 1869.
Messrs. Prout & Dunton,
Rutland, Vermont.
I have received your letter of the 23d ult. relating to the case of Crane ag't Walker on the docket of the Sup. Court of the U. S. for this term, Crane having been Provost Marshal for the Vermont District, and the action having been brought ag't him for a grievance sustained at his hand while, it was alleged, he was acting in that capacity. The defence of Crane was, as I have heretofore been informed by the War Department, assumed by the Government.
Upon examination of the record in this case, I came to the conclusion that no error had been committed in the trial of the cause, upon which a reversal could be expected,— and upon communicating this opinion to the Secretary of War, I was directed to consent to a dismissal of the writ of error, which was accordingly done.
Very Resp. yours,
Wm M. Evarts,
Attorney General.