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- nar.00836
Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to J. D. Cox, 12 March 1869
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March 12, 1869.
Hon. J. D. Cox,
Secretary of the Interior,
I have the honor to state that I have received the following telegram from H. S. Fitch, U. S. Attorney for Georgia: "Atlanta, March 12, 1869. Hon. E. R. Hoar, Attorney General. I deem it my duty to report that it is currently rumored that the U. S. Marshal for this State has absconded. I have called the Court's attention to the matter. Shall I examine his bonds & papers?" Signed, Henry S. Fitch, U. S. Att'y.
Inasmuch as your Department is charged with the settlement of his accounts, I deem it proper to communicate to you this information.
Very resp. yours,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.