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- nar.00902
Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 5 May 1869

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May 5, 1869.
Messrs. T. & J. W. Johnson & Co.
Philadelphia, Penn.
Your letter of the 30th ult. inclosing invoice, has been received, and the books, as per invoice, delivered.
Since the receipt of these books it has been discovered that some of the volumes were already on our shelves, and had been inadvertently included in the order sent you. They are the following:
Illinois Reports, Vols. 33 to 41 ..... 9 volumes.
Arkansas [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here]" 24 ........ 1 [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here]
Pickering's [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here] 8 ..... 1 [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here]
Gray's [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here] 9 ........ 1 [no handwritten text supplied here] " [no handwritten text supplied here]
These will be returned to you by express, which we hope you will accept, and make a corresponding
reduction in your account.—In addition to those above mentioned, the following volumes, not yet delivered by you, are also found in the library and have been included in the order referred to through inadvertence.
Harris's & Gill's Reports (Md.) 2 vols.
Edwards' Chan. Rep. (N. Y.) Vol 4.
These you are accordingly requested not to furnish.
If you will send to us duplicate receipted bills in full, a check for the whole amount will be promptly returned.
Very Resp. yours,
M. F. Pleasants,
Chief Clerk.