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May 8, 1869.
Hon. Nathan K. Hall,
Judge U. S. Dist. Court,
Buffalo, N. Y.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3d of May inst. in relation to the designation by the President of Isaac F. Quimby, to perform the duties of the office of Marshal of the Northern Dist. of New York, in place of Isaac N. Quimby, suspended. It had seemed to me originally that the commission first issued to General Quimby might have been delivered to him, and that he might have qualified under it, notwithstanding the misnomer; but as a question was raised respecting it, the
settlement of which would have involved vexatious delay, we adopted the shortest method of disposing of it. The proceedings which have been had upon the designation made by the President, under your authority, seem to have been correct, and I have nothing to suggest respecting them.—It was understood that the original commission had not been delivered, and I know no reason why it should not remain in your custody.
Very Resp. yours,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General
I. F. Quinby's case (U. S. Marshal)