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- nar.00940
W. A. Field to Benjamin HelmSmith, 21 May 1869

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May 21, 1869.
B. H. Smith, Esq.
Charleston, Kanawha Co. West Va.
Your letter of the 17th inst. relative to the employment of assistant counsel in the ejectment case of J. B. Brown vs. D. J. Young, has been received. The Attorney General has concluded to engage Mr. H. H. Blackburn of Martinsburg to aid you; and Mr. Andrews has been so informed, and requested to turn over to him all the papers
relating to the case, now in his hands. The Attorney General requests that you will inform Mr. Blackburn that his services are engaged at the request of the War Department and will be paid for by that Department.
Very Resp. yours,
W. A. Field,
Assistant Attorney Gen'l.
☝ See above
Ejectment suit