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December 1, 1869.
Hon. W. W. Belknap,
Secretary of War.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of December the first inst. with papers enclosed, all relating to the case of Stephen H. Carey, late an officer of the Army. Any instructions you may desire in the case can be given by you directly to Warner M. Bateman, Esq., U. S. Attorney for the southern District of Ohio, within which Columbus is. If the time is too short to communicate with him at Cincinnati, and for him to go thence to Columbus, you have of course the right to authorize in behalf of your Department any Attorney at Law at Columbus to appear for you. As in all cases of of this character, an Attorney, if employed, must be paid by your Department, and as the Attorney General has no official duty to perform in the matter, it will be more convenient to me, and I presume, equally agreeable to you, to send your instructions directly to the person whom you may wish to represent the Department in the pending case.
The papers are respectfully returned.
Very respectfully,
Your obd't serv't,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
Case of S. H. Casey, late of U. S.A.