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December 11, 1869.
Hon. Lyman Trumbull,
Chairman Judiciary Committee,
U. S. Senate.
I have the honor to send you the papers in this office which were asked by your communication dated December 10, 1869, for the use of your Committee. The final conclusion to which I arrived, of the unfitness of Mr. Howie, to retain the office of Marshal, which probably governed the President's action, in the case, was obtained as the result, in a great degree, of inquiries orally made by me of persons from the Territory who came to my office, and, to a considerable extent, from the impression made by the statements of men who called on Mr. Howie's behalf, to advocate his retention in office.
Very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
Case of U. S. Marshal Howie.