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December 11, 1869.
William T. Sherman,
General, &c. &c. &c.
I am authorized by the President to say that it does not seem necessary that Yerger should be kept in double irons during the whole period of his confinement—and that if a proper guard is maintained, it will not be considered negligence in the officer in charge to relieve him of the handcuffs, at least in the day time. We wish no severity to be exercised toward him, not necessary to his safe custody; as, however guilty, humanity requires that he should not be subjected to torture. This, we have no doubt, is your own view,
and that of General Ames; and we wish that the subordinate officer in charge may be assured that he will not be held responsible for so much relaxation of the precautions he may have thought his duty required him to take.
I have the honor to be, General,
With high respect,
your obd't serv't,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
severities toward Yerger.