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January 19, 1870.
Hon. J. S. Cox,
Secretary of the Interior.
The Hon. Perry E. Brocchus, formerly Judge of New Mexico, sends me the enclosed communication in regard to a small amount of salary which he claims to be due him. He was absent from his post without permission previously obtained from this Department. But although I suppose it to have been the practice in your Department to consider that permission obtained from the Attorney General to be absent, shows that the absence was with sufficient cause, and so that the salary continues, yet I do not understand that the failure to obtain such leave of absence is conclusive to the contrary. I have not the slightest objection to Judge Brocchus receiving the salary, if, on hearing his statement, your Department think his absence from his post is shown to be with good cause.
Very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
balance of Judge Brocchus' salary.