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January 28, 1870.
R. B. Carnahan, Esq.
Pittsburgh, Penn.
Your letter of the 27th inst. is received. No charges against your personal or official character have been made to this Department, but, on the contrary, I have every reason to believe that you have been a faithful and efficient officer. In making a selection to fill the vacancy which has occurred, many considerations have been, of course, presented to the President which it is neither neither necessary nor proper for me to discuss, as an officer whose term has expired stands, in regard to a reäppointment, upon precisely the same footing with any other candidate, except that the value
of his previous services is entitled to just weight in making the decision. I believe that this is a sufficient answer to what you ask in your letter, and with the assurance of my personal and professional regard, I am,
Very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
U. S. Attorneyship, Penn.