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February 3, 1870.
Hon. J. R. Lewis,
Associate Justice of Idaho Terr.
Boisé City, Idaho T.
I received your letter of the 19th ult. relating to the Mormon question, in Idaho, and have received a letter, from Mr. McCrary, of Iowa, asking in your behalf for an Opinion under the Bankruptcy Act. It would give me great pleasure to render you any assistance in my power in regard to your discharge of your judicial duties, but as it is not my official duty to do so, and as I am doubtful of its propriety I must beg you to excuse me. I have received not unfrequently applications of a similar character, from Judges in the Territories, to which I am obliged to return a similar answer. From the accounts I have received of your manner of discharging the duties of your office, I cannot doubt that the conclusions to which you yourself will come will be just and satisfactory.
Very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
Official opinion declined.