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- nar.01188
Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 5 February 1870
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February 5, 1870.
Messrs. T. & J. W. Johnson & Co.
Philadelphia, Penn.
Your letter of yesterday's date containing a list of such books as you are now able to supply on unfilled orders heretofore received from this office, has been received. You may forward all of these books except Vol. 2, Missouri Reports, and Vol. 28, Texas Reports, both of which we already have, and neither of which, I think, were embraced in our orders. In reply to an inquiry made in your letter of the 18th ult., I have also to state that we are not in want of Harris & Gill's Reports.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
M. F. Pleasants,
Chief Clerk.