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- nar.01225
Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 25 February 1870
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February 25, 1870.
Messrs. T. & J. W. Johnson & Co.
Philadelphia, Penn
I enclose herewith a draft for $593:45, the amount of your bill of the 24th inst. this day received, with your letter of that date. The books included in the account have also been received. In regard to Vols. 4 to 12 and 15 Ala. Rep. mentioned in your letter, the price asked is considered too high - and the entire set of Dessanssure's Chanc'y Rep. is not wanted—only Vol. 4. We have all the new reports named by you, except Vol 30 Indiana, Vo. 41 Vermont, and Vol. 59 Pennsylvania. These you may supply.
Very resp'y, your obd't serv't,
M. F. Pleasants,
Chief Clerk.