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February 26, 1870.
Hon. Hamilton Fish,
Secretary of State.
I have received your letter of the 21st inst., enclosing a bill of Patrick Short, the person employed by the U. S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York as a detective in the recent Fenian movements on the frontier. I sent this bill to the U. S. Attorney, with a request for a more detailed statement of the kind and amount of service rendered by Mr. Short; and have received to day a letter from him of which I enclose a copy.
From the statements contained in this letter it seems to me the bill of Mr. Short is reasonable in amount,
and I am unable to see how the United States Attorney could have efficiently performed what was required of him without the employment of some such person as a detective. The bill of Mr. Short is returned.
I have the honor to be,
very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar,
Attorney General.
Bill of Patrick Short detective
see Ins. Book A, p. 568.