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March 7, 1870.
Hon. C. Delano,
Commissioner Internal Revenue.
I transmit herewith a letter dated the 4th inst. from C. H. Krum, Esq., U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, in which he asks instructions from this Office in relation to the prosecution of Morris B. Brown, and expresses the opinion that it should be dismissed. In reply to a letter from his predecessor, Mr. Noble, of October 27, 1869, referred to you Nov. 1, 1869, you declined to recommend the dismissal of this prosecution—and Mr. Noble was informed of the unwillingness of this office to direct any action in the case, opposed to the opinion of the Commissioner.—I will thank you to let me know if your opinion has undergone any change.
Very respectfully,
your obd't serv't,
W. A. Field,
Assistant Attorney Gen'l.
suit ag't M. B. Brown, in Missouri.
see Just. Book A. pp. 475, 528