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June 1, 1870.
Hon. Geo. M. Robeson,
Secretary of the Navy.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th of May ult. enclosing a letter from the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, with enclosures, in relation to the suit in the Court of Claims of Wm. W. Hubbell against the United States, which you request me to return with such information and suggestions as I may think proper to communicate.
The case is under the charge of my Assistant, Mr. Talbot, who informs me that he is considering the propriety of taking an appeal to the Supreme Court, from the decision of the Court of Claims, for which a period of ninety days is allowed by law. If an appeal shall be taken the final decision cannot be had until the next term of the Court, and I do not see that any action can be taken by your Department until that is determined. If it shall be concluded not to take an appeal, so that the decision of the Court of Claims will stand, you shall be notified of the fact.
I have retained a copy of the unsigned paper purporting to be a Report from the Ordnance Bureau, and return the papers as you request.
Very respectfully,
E. R. Hoar, Attorney General.
Case of W. W. Hubbell suit ag't U. S.