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- nar.01382
W. A. Field to John A. Bingham, 18 June 1870

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June 18, 1870.
Hon. John A. Bingham,
Chairman Judiciary Committee
House of Representatives.
I send you enclosed herewith a letter addressed to the Attorney General by Mr. Latimer, U. S. Attorney for the District of California; also a letter from Delos Lake, Esq. formerly U. S. Attorney for that District, to Mr. Latimer; also a letter of the Hon. Ogden Hoffman, District Judge, and Hon. Lorenzo Sawyer, Circuit Judge; and a letter of Frank M. Pixley, Esq. late U. S. Attorney, all relating to the same subject.
These letters are sent to the Committee on the Judiciary that they may take such action in reference to the fees and emoluments of U. S. Attorneys as they see fit. A good many U. S. Attorneys have complained that their present compensation is inadequate
Very respectfully, &c,
W. A. Field, Act'g Attorney Gen'l.