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November 14, 1870.
Hon. Wm. T. Jones,
Asso. Justice Supreme Ct. Wyoming Terr.
I have received your letter of the 4th instant, requesting leave of absence from the Territory of Wyoming for sixty days from and after the 20th instant.
The desired leave is granted for the period of thirty days from the 20th instant.
This is allowed, on account of the private business in Indiana which you allege as one of the reasons for your application. The other reason, to wit, your desire to spend some time at Washington during the next session of Congress, in the interest of the citizens of Wyoming Territory, is regarded as insufficient to justify the leave which you desire. While holding the commission of Judge, your time should be mainly devoted to the duties which that Commission requires. And, however valuable your services in Washington might be to the people who have elected you as their Delegate, I do not think that, while serving them here in advance of your regular term, you should be receiving pay from the Government for performing another public service which can only be properly performed in your Territory.
I have felt bound, therefore, to abridge the term for which you desire leave
of absence, allowing sufficient time for the private occasions which will call you to Indiana.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
concerning leave of absence