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November 17, 1870.
To his Excellency Conrad Baker,
Governor of Indiana,
I have received your letter of the 12th instant, informing me that it will not be in your power to furnish me the information requested in my printed circular of the 14th of October last, in relation to the statistics of crime.
I was apprehensive that there might
be difficulty in collecting the information which the Act of Congress requires, from a want of provision in the State laws for the gathering of such statistics. All that I can do, under the circumstances, will be to compile the statistics with which the State Executives will be able to furnish me. I will suggest that some of the desired information may be obtained from the Reports of the Penitentiaries—and if you have such in your State, I would be obliged to you if you would transmit them to me.
Very respectfully, &c.
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
Statistics for Report to Congress