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December 12, 1870.
Mr. B. H. Wisdom,
Sup's. Garden City Planing Mill Co.
Chicago, Ill.
I have received yours of the 15th ultimo, complaining that the
U. S. Attorney of the Northern District of Illinois has compelled you to pay a fee of five dollars for his certification of your bondsmen.
I do not know that there is any law requiring him to certify, or prescribing his fee in such matters. If it were an illegal exaction, as you suppose, your remedy is to sue him for the amount. Your request to be reimbursed is improperly made to this office—for such moneys are not received here, and there is no fund under the control of this office out of which such claims can be paid.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
alleged extortionate fee.