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December 29, 1870.
Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell,
Secretary of the Treasury.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th inst. relative to the case of Picket against Hastings et. al, involving the title to the Marine Hospital property at San Francisco, California, and asking what suits or claims are pending against the whole, or any part of the property, and the condition of the same.
In reply, I have to inform you that I have this day directed the Attorney of The United States for California to furnish me with all the information he may be possessed of in regard to this property, and the number of suits or claims against it; also, his opinion as to the title of the United States thereto. This information
will be communicated to you as soon as it is received.
Very respectfully, &c.
B. H. Bristow, Solicitor General
and acting Attorney General.
title to certain U. S. property in California