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January 17, 1871.
Hon. Wm. W. Belknap,
Secretary of War.
I have received the following papers, which I now enclose to you:
1. An application from Mr. George Taylor, of Atlanta, Georgia, to the President, for a commission as Paymaster in the Army of the United States.
2. A recommendation from Major Allison, the Paymaster now serving on Gen. Terry's staff.
3. A letter to myself from the father-in-law of Mr. Taylor, the Hon. H. K. McCay, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Georgia.
I have no personal knowledge of Mr. Taylor. Gentlemen in whom I have confidence recommended him to me highly.
Judge McCay is one of the ablest and most prominent Republicans of Georgia, and there are few, if any, of the citizens of that State whose wishes in such a matter are deserving greater consideration. His letter admits that at present the existing vacancy could not be filled, but is written under an expectation that the present restrictions will soon be removed by Congress.
In view of the very small representation of the Southern States in such offices, I think it very advisable that such an application as Mr. Taylor's should be granted, if there be an opportunity—and if he is personally worthy,— of which latter fact I entertain no doubt.
Very respectfully, &c.
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
case of application of Mr. Taylor of Geo. for app't as Paymaster