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Feb. 8, 1871.
Hon. James G. Blaine,
Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives.
I herewith transmit the account of H. H. Wells, Esq. U. S. Dist. Attorney for Virginia, for services in the case of an attachment against D. B. Parker, U. S. Marshal, in the case of a habeus corpus issued by the Circuit Court of Richmond, Va. in behalf of one Patrick Woods.
The services were rendered by Mr. Wells in obedience to a direction from the Attorney General dated the 17th of June last—and that direction was issued in pursuance of a request from the Hon. John A. Bingham, Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, of the House of Representatives.
The account seems to me to be properly chargeable upon the contingent fund of the House of Representatives, as Woods was in custody under the authority of that House, and as the services were requested by the chairman of the proper committee of the House.
I think that the amount is reasonable, and at the request of Mr. Wells send the account to you, with my recommendation that it be paid.
Very respectfully, &c
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
Acc't &c in Pat Woods' case Va