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- nar.01720
Amos T. Akerman to John L. Murphy, 11 February 1871
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Feb. 11, 1871.
Hon. John L. Murphy,
Asso. Justice of the Sup. Ct. of Montana Terr.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Your letter of the 9th instant has been received.
I think it very desirable that the courts should be regularly held in the Territories—and though I have no doubt that your reasons are good for delaying your departure until the first of March, yet I shall be very much gratified if you can arrive in the Territory in season to hold Court at the appointed time. I am unable to say with certainty when the Courts will be held—but have communicated to day to Mr. Maynard for your behalf all the information on that subject of which I am in possession.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.