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- nar.01802
Amos T. Akerman to D. M. DuBose, 28 March 1871
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March 28, 1871.
Hon. D. M. DuBose,
In answer to yours of the 27th instant, I have to say that I have not been inattentive to the claim of Mr. Weeims; it having been brought to attention by a letter from Mr. Anderson, the assignee, and by a personal communication from him at Atlanta last January.
I do not find in the records of the correspondence of the office any authority to Mr. Milledge to employ other counsel in the matter of the Cuban expedition. It is the rule to record all correspondence either by letter or telegram. If it can be shown that the employment of Weems was by direction of the Attorney General, his right to compensation will be at once recognized.
If the telegram which you speak of as sent to Mr. Morrill were found, the matter would be settled.
In the absence of evidence that the employment was authorized by the Attorney General, I have no right to pay the claim.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.