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April 24, 1871.
Hon. J. R. Lewis,
Boisé City, Idaho Terr.
I have promised your friend, Gen. Chipman that I would explain to you how you came to be
superseded in office by Judge Hollister. There was no complaint of you, and I had no reason
to suppose that you were not serving well in your office.
A letter was received here in due course of mail, postmarked "Boisé City," tendering
your resignation. A copy of this letter, I understand, has been sent to you. There was no
circumstance to induce the slightest suspicion of a forgery. Supposing the resignation to be
genuine, it was made known to the President, and he nominated Mr. Hollister. The forgery was
not ascertained until Mr. Hollister had been commissioned, had closed up his business in
Illinois, and was on his way to your Territory.
I regret that you have been thus wronged by some unprincipled person.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
forged letter of resignation