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- nar.01842
Amos T. Akerman to T. H. Duval, 25 April 1871
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April 25, 1871.
Hon. T. H. Duval,
Austin, Texas.
Your letter of February 13th last, though not answered at the time, was not unheeded.
The obstacle in the way of filling and keeping filled the U. S. offices in Texas with proper persons, have been serious. I heard that Mr. Barney had resigned, but his resignation did not arrive. Lately, it has been ascertained that he transmitted it to a friend in Congress, who lost it. Upon ascertaining that fact, I made it known to the President, who has nominated Mr. C. T. Garland. He has been confirmed by the Senate, and, I hope, will be soon in commission, and will prove an efficient officer.
Very respectfully, &c,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
A. T. Ackerman ATTY Gen.
U. S. Offices in Texas