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- nar.01851
Amos T. Akerman to William Whiting, 4 April 1871

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April 4, 1871
Hon. William Whiting,
Boston, Mass.
You are hereby retained as special assistant to the Attorney General of the United States in matters of controversy between the Government and various Telegraph companies. You will take the oath required by law of District Attorneys, and transmit the same to this office.
For this service you will be paid a reasonable compensation, to be determined by this Department
In the performance of this service, you will for the present, and until further directions, act in Coőperation wit Brevet Brig. Gen. Albert J. Myer, Chief Signal Officer of the Army—and will place yourself in immediate communication with him. He will fully make known to you the nature of the service upon which you are employed.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
Hon W. Whiting retained
see Ex B'k. A. p. 58.