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- nar.01854
Amos T. Akerman to W. F. Porter, 5 May 1871
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May 5, 1871.
W. F. Porter, Esq.
U. S. Commissioner,
Gainesville, Fla.
I have received yours of the 29th ultimo
I know of no legal mode of compensating you for the trip which you took in October, 1869, at the instance of the District Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. If he had authority from any of the Departments at Washington to engage you to take the trip, perhaps
a mode of payment could be found. But I know of no law allowing traveling fees to a Commissioner. Perhaps, however, the District Attorney has some authority of which you have not apprised me, and you will do well to apply to him.
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.