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- nar.02347
John M. Binckley to Hugh McCulloch, 27 August 1867

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August 27, 1867.
Hon. Hugh McCulloch,
Secretary of the Treasury.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 23d inst. in which you enclose additional Title‑Papers relative to the sites selected for Range Lights on Maumee Bay. These papers furnish satisfactory evidence of the removal of an incumbrance that affected the premises, which was pointed out by the Attorney General in his communication to you of the 24th ultimo, (viz: the Mortgage from Jas. W. and Aug. Fahnestock, to Anastasia Stecker, of September 10, 1862;) and it being arranged by agreement to satisfy the remaining Mortgage held by McLeary, and also to discharge the small Tax‑Lien on the property, on payment of the purchase‑money into Court, no objection to this course is perceived. The transaction may be safely closed on those terms. I return the papers herewith.
I am, Sir, very Respectfully,
John M. Binckley,
Acting Attorney General.